Edwin George FROST

Regimental number2332
Place of birthBramerton, Norfolk, England
SchoolKirby Bedon, Norfolk, England
Age on arrival in Australia22
ReligionChurch of England
OccupationStation hand
AddressCarcoar, New South Wales
Marital statusSingle
Age at embarkation23
Height5' 6"
Weight146 lbs
Next of kinFather, Edwin Frost, Horning Hall, Proxham, England
Previous military serviceNil
Enlistment date5 July 1915
Place of enlistmentLiverpool, New South Wales
Rank on enlistmentPrivate
Unit name7th Light Horse Regiment, 16th Reinforcement
AWM Embarkation Roll number10/12/4
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board HMAT A56 Palermo on 18 April 1916
Rank from Nominal RollSergeant
Unit from Nominal Roll1st Light Horse Regiment
Other details from Roll of Honour CircularDied of malignant malaria and pneumonia.
FateDied of disease 19 October 1918
Age at death26
Age at death from cemetery records26
Place of burialGaza War Cemetery (Plot XXVII, Row D, Grave No. 6), Palestine
Panel number, Roll of Honour,
  Australian War Memorial
Miscellaneous information from
  cemetery records
Parents: Edwin and Susannah FROST, Horning Hall, Wroxham, Norfolk, England
Other details

War service: Egypt, Palestine

Taken on strength of 2nd Light Horse Training Regiment, Tel el Kebir, 10 June 1916.

Admitted to No 24 Stationary Hospital, Moascar, 20 August 1916 (fractured right thumb); transferred to No 3 Australian General Hospital, Cairo, 17 September 1916; to British Red Cross Hospital, Montazah, 29 September 1916; discharged, 12 October 1918; rejoined 2nd Light Horse Training Regiment, Moascar, 14 October 1916.

Reverts to the rank of Trooper, 7 November 1916.

Marched out of 2nd Light Horse Training Regiment, 9 November 1916; marched into Australia and New Zealand Training Centre, Moascar, 11 November 1916; taken on strength of Australian Mounted Division Headquarters, Bir el Abd, 11 November 1916.

Admitted to New Zealand Mounted Field Ambulance, Bir ek Abd, 8 December 1916 (diarrhoea); discharged, 11 December 1916.

Taken off Australian Mounted Division Headquarter's Attached List, 3 February 1917, and taken on strength of Australian Mounted Headquarters the same day.

Taken on strength of Anzac Provost Corps, Cairo, 26 February 1917.

Admitted to New Zealand Reception Station, 26 February 1917 (ingrown toenail); discharged, 4 March 1917, and attached to Australian Mounted Division Headquarters the same day.

Admitted to 1/2 Lowland Field Ambulance, 23 March 1917 (ingrown toenail); discharged, 24 March 1917, and rejoined Anzac Provost Corps, Cairo the same day.

Taken on strength of Australian Mounted Division Headquarters, Deir el Belah, 5 April 1917.

Found guilty, Abbassia, 3 June 1917, of (1) failing to attend a gas parade when warned to do so; (2) wilfully making a false statement knowing it be such: award, reprimanded.

Promoted Temporary Corporal, 20 June 1917.

Found guilty, Es Dud, 2 January 1918, of conduct to the prejudice of good order, and military discipline, in that he fell out of parade without the authority of the NCO in charge: award, reprimanded.

Taken on strength of Anzac Mounted Division Headquarters, 17 May 1918.

Promoted Extra Regimental Sergeant, 18 June 1918.

Attached to 1st Light Bde Headquarters, 9 July 1918.

Evacuated to hospital, 8 October 1918.

Died, No 47 Stationary Hospital, Gaza, 19 October 1918.

Buried by Chaplain Raymond Lockyer, Gaza Military Cemetery, 20 October 1918.

Medals: British War Medal, Victory Medal
SourcesNAA: B2455, FROST Edwin George