Alexander Robert McGACHIE

Regimental number3144
Place of birthIngham Queensland
ReligionChurch of England
OccupationLoco driver
AddressVictoria Estate, Herbert River, Queensland
Marital statusSingle
Age at embarkation22
Next of kinFather, Robert McGachie, Victoria Estate, Herbert River, Queensland
Enlistment date10 June 1916
Rank on enlistmentPrivate
Unit name4th Pioneer Battalion, Reinforcement 7
AWM Embarkation Roll number14/16/3
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Brisbane, Queensland, on board HMAT A55 Kyarra on 17 November 1916
Rank from Nominal RollPrivate
Unit from Nominal Roll26th Battalion
Recommendations (Medals and Awards)

Military Medal

Recommendation date: 16 October 1918

FateEffective abroad (still overseas)

Military Medal

'This man did exceptionally good work during the attack on 3rd October, 1918, near BEAUREVOIR, east of PERONNE. While advancing, he used his Lewis gun very effectively, firing from the hip. On one occasion, when the advance was held up by an enemy machine gun, he on his own initiative moved out to a commanding position with his Lewis gun, and by bringing fire to bear on the enemy machine gun, put it out of action, thus enabling our line to renew the advance. His courage and coolness under heavy enemy machine gun fire was very remarkable, and he displayed great devotion to duty throughout the whole operation, setting his comrades a very fine example.'
Source: 'Commonwealth Gazette' No. 115
Date: 10 October 1919

Other details

War service: Western Front

Medals: Military Medal, British War Medal, Victory Medal