Owen Penthyn RANDELL

Regimental number38647
Place of birthPerth Western Australia
ReligionChurch of England
AddressGooseberry Hill, Western Australia
Marital statusSingle
Age at embarkation18
Next of kinFather, Ernest Arthur Randell, Gooseberry Hill, Western Australia
Enlistment date24 April 1917
Rank on enlistmentGunner
Unit nameField Artillery Brigade, Reinforcement 32
AWM Embarkation Roll number13/128/2
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board SS Indarra on 26 November 1917
Rank from Nominal RollGunner
Unit from Nominal Roll3rd Divisional Ammunition Column
FateEffective abroad (still overseas)
Miscellaneous information from
  cemetery records
Plaque in Western Australia Garden of Remembrance
Date of death18 July 1970