The AIF Project

Bertram Harold RANGER

Regimental number1346
Place of birthRockhampton Queensland
ReligionChurch of England
AddressEden Street, Toowoomba, Queensland
Marital statusSingle
Age at embarkation20
Next of kinMother, Mrs Elizabeth Ranger, Eden Street, Toowoomba, Queensland
Enlistment date4 August 1915
Rank on enlistmentPrivate
Unit name5th Light Horse Regiment, 10th Reinforcement
AWM Embarkation Roll number10/10/2
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Brisbane, Queensland, on board HMAT A69 Warilda on 5 October 1915
Rank from Nominal RollGunner
Unit from Nominal Roll5th Medium Trench Mortar Battery
Recommendations (Medals and Awards)

Military Medal

Recommendation date: 16/11/2021

FateReturned to Australia 12 March 1918

Military Medal

'On 31st August 1917, East of YPRES, Gunner B.H. RANGER was in action with a gun of his Battery at C.30.d.5.5. This gun was ordered to fire on BECK HOUSE. The observing station was at D.25.c.11.50. Gunner B.H. RANGER in company with Gunner C.H. NELSON received orders to keep the telephone lines in working order. In spite of a very heavy hostile bombardment from 8", 5.9", and 4.2" shell he kept the wires in repair at very great personal risk and total disregard of danger and thus insured the success of the operation. The hostile shelling on this area was most intense and it was most necessary to carry out this shoot, which was made possible by the gallant conduct of Gunners RANGER and NELSON who carried out alternate runs.'
Source: 'Commonwealth Gazette' No. 31
Date: 7 March 1918

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