The AIF Project


Regimental number11264
Place of birthChiltern, Victoria
ReligionRoman Catholic
AddressNorthcote, Victoria
Marital statusSingle
Age at embarkation21.8
Height5' 8.25"
Weight156 lbs
Next of kinFather, L Ritchie, Ararat, Victoria
Previous military serviceNil (previously rejected for AIF enlistment on account of varicocele)
Enlistment date28 May 1915
Place of enlistmentMelbourne, Victoria
Rank on enlistmentPrivate
Unit nameNo 1 Australian General Hospital
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia, on board A62 Wandilla on 25 June 1915
Rank from Nominal RollPrivate
Unit from Nominal Roll13th Field Ambulance
FateKilled in Action 18 September 1918
Place of burialHancourt British Cemetery (Plot I, Row C, Grave No. 10), France
Panel number, Roll of Honour,
  Australian War Memorial

Military Medal

'For bravery and devotion to duty as a stretcher bearer in the operation to the east of YPRES on 11th October, 1917, especially under the following circumstances: on the evening of date mentioned whilst the enemy was shelling the line of evacuation from ZONNEBEKE to Railway Dump, with heavy gas shells, Private RITCHIE repeatedly with great endurance and courage, brought wounded men through this fire and continued to do so until the whole number had been cleared. He set a splendid example to his fellow stretcher bearers by his cheerfulness and devotion to duty.'
Source: 'Commonwealth Gazette' No. 95
Date: 27 June 1918

Other details

War service: Egypt, Western Front

Medals: Military Medal, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal
SourcesNAA: B2455, RITCHIE Joseph

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