Regimental number1137
Place of birthHetford, Ireland
ReligionRoman Catholic
Marital statusSingle
Age at embarkation30
Height5' 8.5"
Weight162 lbs
Next of kinFather, Mr Flaherty, Clarn Hertford, Galway, Ireland
Previous military serviceServed in the Navy for 5 years; for 1 year in the South Australian Infantry.
Enlistment date11 September 1914
Place of enlistmentMorphettville, South Australia
Rank on enlistmentPrivate
Unit name10th Battalion, 1st Reinforcement
AWM Embarkation Roll number23/27/2
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT Themistocles on 7 December 1914
Rank from Nominal RollPrivate
Unit from Nominal Roll10th Battalion
FateReturned to Australia 10 June 1915
Discharge date9 September 1915
Other details

War service: Egypt

Embarked, Melbourne, 22 December 1914; whilst stepping from a train, knocked down by another passing train, fractures to the skull, left hand damaged (3 fingers amputated), Main Railway Station, Cairo, Egypt, 18 February 1915.

Commenced return to Australia on board 'Kyarra' due to an injured skull and hand, 17 July 1915; discharged (medically unfit), Adelaide, 9 September 1915.

Medals: 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal

Medal stamps marked 'Returned 3 March 1924'.
SourcesNAA: B2455, FLAHERTY Patrick