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Howitzer Brigade 23, Battery 108

AWM Roll number: 13/133/1

  1. From Melbourne, Victoria on board HMAT A7 Medic on 20 May 1916

22112ABBOTT, John WilliamEast Guildford, Western Australia
22237ADAMS, Leslie WieldSandy Bay, Tasmania
22111ADAMS, WilliamNeerim South, Gippsland, Victoria
22174ALLEN, George FrederickMitcham, Victoria
22238ARIEY, John HollandLaunceston, Tasmania
22108BAILEY, Arnold Joseph WallaceCamberwell, Victoria
22241BARRITT, Francis CawthorneLyndoch, South Australia
22095BELL, Albert EdwardEast Camberwell, Victoria
22166BERTRAM, Walter Christopher ChristenAdelaide, South Australia
22229BIRCH, Oliver WilliamBeechworth, Victoria
22109BOULTON, Albert ErnestBurwood, Victoria
22094BROMLEY, HaroldOakleigh, Victoria
22176BROWN, Arthur GeorgeEast Malvern, Victoria
22113BURLISON, RoyWarburton, Victoria
22179CAMPBELL, Alfred John1 Garfield Street, South Launceston, Tasmania
22178CARTER, Charles AugustusWindsor, Victoria
22116CLAYTON, JohnKalgoorlie, Western Australia
22233CODY, Francis AnthonySt Kilda, Victoria
22114COLLINS, Eric WilliamCowell via Franklin Harbour, South Australia
22120COOPER, Arthur Harris'Strathalbyn', 141 Kerferd Road, Albert Park, Victoria
22177COOPER, Walter JohnKoolunga, South Australia
22105COOPER, William StanleyAlbert Park, Victoria
22115CRIERIE, Stanley ErnestPort Pirie, South Australia
22119CURTAIN, James DonaldElderslie, Tasmania
22230DALE, Harry FrancisAscot Vale, Victoria
22122DARMODY, Walter GeraldClare, South Australia
22093DAVIES, Charles Joseph SymeMentone, Victoria
22121DAWSON, Harry Templeton'Glenlace', Panmure Place, Woodville North, Adelaide, South Australia
22182DE' MACK, Joseph CarlMaryborough, Victoria
22185DELL, Henry ChristianCarisbrook, Victoria
22104DENNIS, Vincent JosephCaulfield, Victoria
22106DICKENSON, Frank WarburtonBallarat East, Victoria
22183DOWLING, Frank ArthurNorwood, South Australia
22184DRIVER, Horace RoyAdelaide, South Australia
22181DUNCAN, John Frederick TheophilusSarsfield, Victoria
22188EDGLEY, Reginald StanleyRosella Street, Murrumbeena, Victoria
22186EDWARDS, William FrederickBacon Street, Hindmarsh, South Australia
22187ELDRIDGE, Ernest ThomasBeans Road, West Thebarton, South Australia
22171FANNING, Thomas CyrilSouth Richmond, Victoria
22128FERGUSON, Roderick HenryNorth Hobart, Tasmania
22126FISH, Leslie CharlesSwanreach, Victoria
22189FITZGERALD, Jack HammondHerbert Street, North Carlton, Victoria
22125FITZPATRICK, Peter ThomasGoodwood, South Australia
22127FREDERICK, LambertNarracan, Victoria
22191GERRY, Robert ErnestMyrtleford, Victoria
22190GIBSON, JohnCorryong, Victoria
22133GOLDFINCH, Alfred ErnestGlenelg, South Australia
22132GOLDFINCH, John ClementGlenelg, South Australia
22130GOLDING, Harry FrancisNorthcote, Victoria
22129GOLDSBURY, John SamuelEast Melbourne, Victoria
22192GRAY, George ValentineSunshine, Victoria
22236GREEN, Lionel Hardwick WeedonLaunceston, Tasmania
22235GREEN, Mervyn LeslieLaunceston, Tasmania
22137HANNAN, ThomasPontville, Tasmania
22194HARLY, Ernest ArthurCanterbury, Victoria
22198HART, Ronald KeithBoulder, Western Australia
22138HAWKE, Albert EdwinPort Pirie, South Australia
22135HEAD, Charles FredrixKent Town, South Australia
22207HILLIS, Henry CollinsTrafalgar, Victoria
22195HILLIS, Stanley JamesTrafalgar, Victoria
22227HOLMAN, MauriceNorseman, Western Australia
22134HOLMES, FredTorrensville, Adelaide, South Australia
22103HOLMES, ThomasAdelaide, South Australia
22136HOWLETT, Ernest HenryJohnsonville via Bairnsdale, Victoria
22196HUGHES, Reginald BertAdelaide, South Australia
22193HUGHES, William Roy93 Parry Street, East Perth, Western Australia
22102HUMPHRIS, Frank Henry LeachMiddle Park, Victoria
22155HUXTABLE, Arthur JohnDevonport, Tasmania
22139JOHNS, Ronald GarfieldKadina, South Australia
22098JONES, Percy JohnFryerstown near Castlemaine, Victoria
22141KAIN, Leslie AustinNorthcote, Victoria
22142KELLEHER, Victor EdwardPelham, Tasmania
22232KELLY, Leslie ChalmerHealesville, Victoria
22140KEMPSTER, Clarence LeslieNorwood, South Australia
22202KEMPSTER, Ernest AlbertNorwood, South Australia
22203KEMPSTER, William RogerNorwood, South Australia
22168KING, John James EdwardCroxton, Victoria
22200KING, Percy SamuelKyneton, Victoria
22201KLUTSCH, AntonClifton Hill, Victoria
22144LANGFORD, John HenryWest Hobart, Tasmania
22124LENNOX, Thomas Read11 Clark Street, St Kilda, Victoria
22204LUCAS, WilliamNorthampton, Western Australia
22143LYTHGO, Thomas HenryBallarat East, Victoria
22169MALE, FrederickMalvern, Victoria
22146McCALLUM, Aubray RobertWinchelsea, Victoria
22234McCOLL, Duncan John DougaldNorth Fitzroy, Victoria
22209McDOWALL, Vincent RalphAlpha Road, Prospect, South Australia
22145McFADYEN, John LivingstoneBrunswick, Victoria
22099MELLOR, Kenneth JamesMedindie, South Australia
22206MILLHOUSE, Harold RoyMt Gambier, South Australia
22208MOODY, Clement VaughanBevis Street, North Adelaide, South Australia
22148NUTTING, Arthur CliveNorth Carlton, Victoria
22097O'DONNELL, ThomasCollie, Western Australia
22149OGILVIE, Frank Alexander38 Galvin Street, Launceston, Tasmania
22213PATTERSON, LeonardSaltia, South Australia
22101PEPPARD, Edward OwenNorth Fitzroy, Victoria
22150PERRIOR, Harold FrancisTrafalgar, Victoria
22210PETTIT, Thomas Allen StewartBinnum, South Australia
22211PHILLIPS, George HenryHackney via St Peter's, South Australia
22212POWELL, James PercivalHanson Street, Adelaide, South Australia
22214PULLEN, George Thomas HubertWinchelsea, Victoria
22239QUARRY, Alfred CecilGlen Dhu Street, Launceston, Tasmania
22096RAY, Francis LyntonLaunceston, Tasmania
22215RICE, Henry ThomasGingell Street, Castlemaine, Victoria
22153RICKARDS, Edward MeltonWestbury, Tasmania
22217RICKETTS, HughieSt Vincent Street, Port Adelaide, South Australia
22154ROBERTS, Stanley Ivo Rupert185 Melbourne Street, North Adelaide, South Australia
22151ROBERTS, William Hugh
22216ROMEY, Arthur Clarence Sydney19 Windsor Street, Footscray, Victoria
22222SCOTT, Stephen AlexanderBrunswick, Victoria
22100SELLECK, WalterPort Pirie, South Australia
22164SHARP, Charles ArthurHobart, Tasmania
22156SHARP, Charles LyallFootscray, Victoria
22147SIMMONS, JonathanKatanning, Western Australia
22218SLATER, William GladstoneCross Street, East Devonport, Tasmania
22221SMITH, Allan JamesAngaston, South Australia
22197SMITH, Gurnett FordNorthcote, Victoria
22110SMITH, HenryNewry, Gippsland, Victoria
22220SMITH, Wilfred StanleyAngaston, South Australia
22170SPEERS, ThomasSt Mary's, Tasmania
22157STANLEY, John WilliamAlbert Park, Victoria
22219STENSON, Maxwell Eric78 Rundle Street, Kent Town, South Australia
22180SYMONS, Lavenille Kemble Cropley9 Hackney Road, St Peter's, South Australia
22158TAYLOR, William ArthurKensington, Victoria
TURNER, John WatchornHobart, Tasmania
22159UGLOW, George OswaldNorthcote, Victoria
22163WADDELL, John RussellKensington, Victoria
22162WALKER, Norman CharlesNorthcote, Victoria
22123WALSH, William Francis289 Ross Street, Port Melbourne, Victoria
22223WHELAN, WilliamAngaston, South Australia
22161WHITE, Basil DavisHobart, Tasmania
22173WICKHAM, Clarence VincentAdelaide, South Australia
22224WILLIAMS, Hurtle JamesBorder Town, South Australia
22228WILLIAMS, JohnMalvern, Victoria
WOOD, Clifton LorisBrisbane, Queensland
22160WOOLFORD, Jack CharlesRichmond, Tasmania
22165YOUNG, William Robert73 Orrong Road, Armadale, Victoria

© The AIF Project 2024, UNSW Canberra. Not to be reproduced without permission.